informative writing final draft
Anime has been around for centuries. Most people know about it, but not many know about how it was made or what the very first one was. Usually, “otakus” only know about their favorite animes, the ones on their watch list, or the ones they have been waiting years for a second season to come out. Often though people greatly dislike anime and the people who watch it without even trying it out on their own or thinking about what it means to the ones who do like watching it. The very first anime was made in 1916 and is believed to be called Dekobo Shingacho: Meian no Shippai, meaning “bumpy new picture book”. Shimokawa Oten made it out of chalk and the duration was only about five minutes long. Shimokawa Oten was also one of the fathers of anime, seeing as he did make the first anime. He also made the first anime to be shown in the theatre, which was a pretty big success. “Mukuzo Imokawa the Doorman was the first Japanese animated film to be shown i...